The translation is provided by Edoardo Ciprandi and Ikram Brini from Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei (Legnano)
The ecomuseum is museum of the community. Only the participation of the people legitimizes its existence. The ecomuseum of Parabiago is a agreement between peoples and institutions for the care and the good use of landscape and the living community heritage. Join us!
What can we do together?
#CondiVivo Parabiago
#CondiVivo Parabiago
("Share and live" Parabiago) to build communities and
release energies!
Join us: suggest idea and help to realize environmental
restoration projects in order to make Parabiago a wonderful

informed to activate a cooperation agreement,
-fill in the form for a short-term cooperation agreement,
-or for a cooperation pact,
-write us
Don't you know what to do?
Look at the map of the opportunities of cooperation
the brochure (by
Luca & Emanuele from Legnano's from Bernocchi high
Read the brochure (by Francesca Donati - Ist. Maggiolini high school, Parabiago)
What we have done
activated cooperation agreements
transparent administration and dynamic citizenship.
The Ecomuseo took on the role
of enabling a complex network of actors that has allowed
people to recognize the community heritage, to take care of
it, to manage and restore it through
collaboration agreements that have been realized releasing
human and financial resources.
municipal guidelines and the activated agreements
for body, eyes and soul
Cultural paths 3.0.
2015 the Ecomuseum has activated a project aimed at the
creation of new thematic ethnographic paths in order to
implement the system “Parabiago 3.0 - Percorrere, fruire,
condividere il patrimonio culturale (travel, enjoy, share
the cultural heritage)"
enjoy, share the cultural heritage.
Since 2012 the Ecomuseo has
activated a project whereby, through the internet and the
modern mobile phones, visitors can visit the ecomuseum and
know the cultural and natural heritage. Inhabitants and
visitors can walk the thematic itineraries and participate
to the improvement of the project.
Dedicated page
free encyclopedia.
Texts of our parish maps are
token from wikipedia. The Ecomuseo has contributed to
improve the encyclopedia's pages that are dedicated to
Parabiago. Join us throughout this work. You can start from
these pages:
Ecomuseo di Parabiago - Parabiago - Parco dei Mulini - Mulini ad acqua del fiume Olona - The ecomuseo's coordinator's sandbox including the missing terms that are to complete/improve.
loves monuments
photography contest about the cultural patrimony.
Since 2012 Parabiago's
Ecomuseum has taken part in this worldwide photography
contest with 33 monuments. Since 2016 the Mulini (mills)
Park has participated too. The contestant's photographies
are published on Wikimedia Commons, the Wikipedia
multimedia database.
river renaissance has to be monitored.
monitoring of the wildlife, in the northern part of the
Mulini (Mills) Park is in progress by LIPU of Parabiago
association. All data are uploaded into the participatory
citizen science platform
If you are a naturalist "for love" take part in the
monitoring too!
Go to dedicated website or write us.
Listening Project
world day.
2011 Parabiago's Ecomuseum has taken part in the project by
through listening walks. All the registrations that have
been sent to the ecomuseum are uploaded on radios, sound
how to participate in the dedicated page
respecting, spreading, involving.
2006 educational projects have been carried out with guys
who involve their parents and grandparents too and, in some
cases, acquaintances and the elderly of the rest home.
Take part in the
didactic routes
past to a good design of future
by sending photos, audio and video recordings, drawings,
maps, interviews, writings and insights on the material and
immaterial community heritage. See thousands of documents
already available on the website.
Timeline of the participation
for the care and enhancement of agroecosystems and the
supplying of local products
address everyone's action towards globally shared goals.
On the 23rd of March of 2016 the
Agreement for the care and enhancement of the agroecosystems
and the supplying of local products was signed so that Olona
river, Bozzente stream, Villoresi canal and their
territories in the Alto-Milanese resume to perform the
ecological, economic and cultural functions.
Pact for the Olona river
To address everyone's action towards globally shared goals.
On the 6th June 2013 the Pact
for Olona river was signed by the partners of the project
"From the park's map to the realization of the nets" and the
concerned people. Hence the net formed by the partners has
realized a large variety of actions and there are various
projects in progress along the Park.
Page dedicated to the progress
estate of the Pact
Redevelopment of open space
the open spaces in urban and peri-urban environments.
2012 a path for the participation in the project of
peri-urban open spaces along Olona river has been realized.
Dedicated page "From the park's map to the realization of the nets"
A trip in Parabiago's history.
In 2011 Manzoni primary school started researches about their history from which an e-book derived; on the other hand in 2013, due to the collaboration of a lot of people and students, the libro game "School is fantastic: from the origins to the first day of school" has been realized.
Mills Park and the parish map are born
participation path for the re-development of the landscape
beside the Olona river.
In 2008 the Mulini (Mills) Park
was recognized and in 2011 the parish map of the Park was
realized with the same methodology used for the map of
Parabiago Ecomuseum; the purpose is the realization of the
inventory of the community heritage and the planning of
actions for local development.
Mills Park's parish
map: front, back
and sound map
celebrate Parabiago past and present... it's dedicated to
its future
In 2008 the
interactive map was realized with a deep analysis about the
heritage shown on the parish map. Beyond the participation
of the Forum and the scholastic and cultural Institutions,
the map is based on the information produced through Wikipedia
that is going to be implemented.
Furthermore the sound map had been realized due to
listening walks through Parabiago public areas.
landscape Ecomuseo and the parish map are born
agreement with which the community is working to take care
of the landscape.
2007 a public forum, the Technical and Political Committee,
different partners and Parabiago public and private schools
were involved in shapeing the Ecomuseum of lanscape of
Parabiago and the parish map.