Cultivate Parabiago, by eating!

The products
Water, flour, yellow
flour, bread, biscuits,
pie, ravioli, rice,
potatoes, savoy cabbage,
100% drinking water
The water, that
come out from the local aqueduct of Parabiago, get directly
from the tap and is consumed without any chemical treatment
unless the add of carbonic
anhydride in case of sparkling water preferences.
(Read the production policy document)
100% soft wheat
The flour of
Parabiago is composed by "San Pastore" wheat made with water
(Read the
production policy document)
The water and the integral flour made with millstone are the base for the DeCO products from Parabiago.
Yellow flour
100% corn
The yellow flour
from Parabiago is made by "Marano" or "Alabastro" or "B08"
(Read the production policy document)
Products made by flour
Products that respect the environment
bread or french stik of 450g made with integral "San
Pastore" flour from Parabiago, starter, water from Parabiago
and salt.
the production policy document)
From the end of May the baby version of the bread of Parabiago is distributed once a week, in the schools canteen. (read the dramatized degustation script by students, listen the recording, take a look at the pictures)
Products that respect the environment
biscuits, with a hole on the side or with a stick
biscuit-support made with integral flour "San Pastore" from
Parabiago, butter, honey and local eggs.
(Read the
production policy document)
Products that respect the environment
Rectangular pies
with integral flour "San Pastore" from Parabiago, butter,
local eggs and jam, sugar.
(Read the production policy document)
Products that respect the environment
Rectangular Ravioli
made with integral flour "San Pastore", white flour and
local eggs, olive oil and salt, stuffed with ricotta and
local eggs, asparagus or spinach, Grana padano, cream,
mascarpone cheese.
(Read the production policy document)
Products that respect the environment
The rice from
Parabiago is made with polish rice, "Arborio" selection,
"Volano" quality.
(Read the production policy document)
Products that respect the environment
Potatoes from
Parabiago are "Dora" quality with yellow skin or Kennebech
with higher dimensions with white skin.
(Read the production policy document)
Savoy Cabbage
Products that respect the environment
The savoy cabbage
from Parabiago is "Sabauda" type (or hybrids) and is
characterized by ripples leaves with close head.
(Read the production policy document)
Products that respect the environment
The fresh cow milk
from Parabiago is exposed only at filtration and
refrigeration at 4°C.
(Read the production policy document)
Production chain of Parabiago from Walter Longo on Vimeo.
Production chain FINAL LONG Version from Walter Longo on Vimeo.
Project promoted by the Urban District of Trade in partnership with the Ecomuseum of Parabiago.