Parabiago 3.0
This traslation in a draft by students of Maggiolini High School from Parabiago and Bernocchi High School from Legnano
Implementation of the system
Food of the body,the eyes and the soul
Cultural tours 3.0
"Food of the body, the eyes and
the soul" is a project that includes the creation of new
thematic and ethnographic visiting paths to implement the
system “Parabiago" 3.0 - Walk, enjoy, share the cultural
The aim of the project is to feed “eyes and soul” of the residents and of the visitors with the community heritage , by physical (in the city) and virtual (on the web and on the smartphone application) paths. The project pays also attention to the "nourishment of the body” enhancing, both physical and virtual paths, the edible products (ex: flour, bread, cookies and tarts of Parabiago) and the handcrafted products (ex: footwear) that characterize the “made in Parabiago” that recently has been enhanced through the Municipal Denomination of Origin brand (De.C.O.).
The project
is realized in partnership with the comprehensive Schools,
the private schools, the secondary schools, the museums,
the pastoral community Sant'Ambrogio , the association La
Fabbrica di Sant'Ambrogio of Parabiago town and the
Ecomuseum of the territory of Nova Milanese
Map of the path of the battle and of the mills
Working hypothesis of the path of the battle and of the mills
of the "Grow Parabiago eating " path
of the path of the'700: Giuseppe Maggiolini
Photos of the meeting
of the partners of 27.01.2016
System inauguration
Walk, Enjoy, Share
The cultural heritage on your smartphone
The system’s inauguration took place on the 28th
of March 2014, in Maggiolini square, with the
participation of the technician partner Follow Me
Technology srl of Parabiago.
It is possible to access to the multimedia contents of Parabiago 3.0 by:
- the QR codes (two-dimensional barcode) downloading a free app: I-nigma for Iphone and QR Droid for Android and Iphone.
- the RFID microchips (system of interpretation that uses the radio-frequency)
For the partially sighted are available two apps which read out the informations relating to the place visited, one (working with every model of smartphone) reads the QR codes, the other (only for empowered smartphone) reads the microchips RFID. The apps are available on the ecomuseum website.
It is possible to download the applications from smartphones on Samsung APPS and search (writing the word as the same as it’s written) QRCodeSpeeck and NFC2Speeck and then insert one of the codes, the system will automatically download the APP and than it will install it.
Read the press review: Legnano News
Parabiago 3.0 beta
Walk, Enjoy, Share
The cultural heritage on your smartphone
Parabiago today is easier with the project of the Ecomuseum
called "Parabiago 3.0 - Walk, enjoy, share the cultural
heritage" , sponsored by Regione Lombardia.
Through the Internet and modern mobile telphones it is possible to visit the city and learn something more about the natural and cultural heritage.
Parabiago 3.0 allows the citizens and tourists to walk along
thematic paths and to enjoy the better of the city heritage
and take part to the improvement of the system.
means that the system is inspired by Web 3.0 which puts the
network made of pages, beside tridimensional spaces so that
it is possible to "walk along" in order to find what we are
looking for. Unlike experiences reffering to virtual spaces
like Second Life, Parabiago 3.0 is based on real places
recognized by the citizens of Parabiago as part of City
Parabiago 2.0, Parabiago 3.0 uses blogging, web services,
the participation and sharing of contents and wikis system.

system is easy“ explains the Deputy Mayor Raffaele Cucchi,
president of the political committee of the Ecomuseum, "we
have placed bilboards in 40 areas of the city. On the
placard there is a QR code. It concerns little figures
composed of a series of little black and white squares in a
square-shaped. If you take a picture of the code with your
smartphone, the code is decodificated and transformed in a
direct link on a web site where it is possible read and
download information inherent the place where you are".
The system
you descover also other places, through maps and
thematic paths: "Virgiliano", "Riale's", "700's".
with the "commenting and taking part" function everyone can
send impressions, comments, written contributes, photos,
audios or videos about the cultural place that you have
This function is useful both to share the information and to improve the system, and also to make warnings directly to the Ecomuseum about various topics (presence of waste, vandalism, proposal of improvement etc...).
whole work has been done in ecomuseal style" continues
Cucchi: "the choice of the places and the contents (texts,
photos and interviews) are the result of the active
partecipation of the people, including children of schools
in Parabiago, but also university students and of Maggiolini
Technical Institute that have realised the descriptions and
the audioguide in Italian, English and French. The
work may not be perfect but certainly it is the
community expression. The system also integrates itself with
other Parabiago Town Hall's projects such as "Parabiago
wi-fi" and the "Distretto Urbano del Commercio" to EXPO
All you have to do now is to grab your smartphone and go discovering Parabiago.