Welcome to the web site of local Agenda 21 of Parabiago City! |
In Parabiago (province of Milan) the City Council has created an Agenda 21 process. The first step of the Administration has been the deliberation by the council of the Declaration of Sustainability in 2002 and the joining of the European Campaign of Sustainable Cities. Both decisions legitimate the Agenda 21 process and force the Administration to facilitate its community’s growth from a sustainable development point of view, and to adopt politics of economic, environmental and social sustainability. The first part of the process has been the elaboration of a Report on the State of the Environment, an important instrument of knowledge of the territory for citizens and institutions. The subjects treated in the report have been: use and quality of soil, nature, rubbish management, superficial and underground water, air quality, mobility and noise. The results of the project has been made known to the public through the interne web-page of the Common and a specific book. The synthesis has been distributed to the citizens as a special edition of the of the periodic of Parabiago. The next step will be the constitution of the Forum, made up of stakeholders, identified in Parabiago and in its surroundings as the representatives of the institutions, the associations of categories, the environmental, economic, social, educational associations, and so on. The process is strategic and well fits with ongoing initiatives of the Administration such as separate collection of rubbish, information and environmental education, days of “clean green”, projects of environmental requalification of the park of Roccolo, a very significant protected area with interesting agricultural and natural features. Furthermore the project is coherent with the local Agenda 21 processes enabled by Province of Milan and by Lombardy Region, in which Parabiago Common is involved.
Intervento cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea, Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale, DocUP Obiettivo 2, Misura 3.5.
cura di Raul Dal Santo e Ivano Colombo CREDITS