Ecomuseo del Paesaggio


This translation is a draft by students of Maggiolini High School from Parabiago
Stages and graduation thesis

We are making didactic activities about the landscape with schools of every extent and degree.

We enabled stages and graduation thesis with the universities of Milan and the ITC Maggiolini school of Parabiago. 

If you want to do a stage or a thesis write us

Graduation Thesis and reports or pubblication of stage end:

AA.VV.: Progetto di valorizzazione culturale dei comuni dell'asse del Sempione: analisi del comune di Parabiago.
Polytecnic of Milan II College of architecture
Campus Bovisa a.a. 2006/2007

BONALUMI S., BRUSATI V.: Un modello di attuazione di Agenda 21 locale. Sperimentazione nel comune di Parabiago. Graduation Thesis-Polytecnic of Milan, I College of architecture. 2004.

COLOMBO I.,: Elaborazione di un set di indicatori di sostenibilità per l'Agenda 21Locale del comune di Parabiago. Master in Pubblic Management IV – SDA Bocconi. 2004.

CROCE E.: La valorizzazione del territorio della Provincia di Milano. Il caso del Parco del Roccolo- graduation thesis- University of the studies of Milan, faculty of Human Sciences, of Enviornment, of Territory and of Landscape, 2006-7

DAL SANTO R., BELLONI C., PASTORI M.: Itinerario Virgiliano. Alla scoperta di Parabiago romana. Parabiago, 2007

GALBIATI M., MALETTI F.:  Ecomuseo del Paesaggio, Caso studio Comuni di Lainate-Nerviano-Parabiago. graduation thesis - Polytecnic of Milan, Architecture and Society Faculty - Architecture degree course 2003-4.

PEZZAIOLI F., POLI S.: Ecomuseo del Paesaggio, Caso studio dei Comuni del Parco Roccolo. graduation thesis-Polytechnic of Milan, Architecture and Society Faculty - Architecture degree course  2004-5.

ROSSI C.: Ricostruzione del territorio di  Parabiago nella storia con strumenti informativi geografici.
Course for the management and the safeguard of the environmental resources and of the sustainable development."  Formaper Azienda speciale CCIAA Milano 2004.

ROSSONI S.: Verifica della efficacia ecologica degli interventi di sviluppo del "P.L.I.S. del Roccolo"  nei confronti della relativa unità di paesaggio.
graduation thesis - University of the studies of Milan - Natural science degree course  2003-4.

Look up the formative proposals of the Ecomuseum

The education to the landscape should not be pointed only to students, who are, however, the main subjects of this action, but, because of the importance of the situation, it should reach also the adults in extra-school areas of interest, where they can learn, reflect and elaborate on the basic theme of the landscape. It is for this reason that the educative projects, that have been realized with children, included also their parents and grandparents and, sometimes, acquaintances and seniors of the rest home.


The aim of these educational activities can be summarized in four main points:

  1. Knowing our landscape. Detecting the elements of which it is composed of, understanding the differences between landscapes and noticing the transformationes. Understanding the landscape in which you live means understand better yourself. 

"It would be useful and important that the study of the landscape would enter in the schools, so that it would become, not only the object of learning, but also the base of an education to see, that could help to understand the meaning of the human beings on the Earth"  [Turri, 1974]

  1. Learning to see as element to learn how to act in a proper way. "Education contributes to the recognition of the man's action effects over the environment and the concerning hiring of responsability. You can pay attention to the prevail perspective of knowledge and the one of action" [Benedetta Castiglioni, 2006].    
  2. Respecting and preserve the landscape. So as animal and vegetable spacies in danger of extinction are stored and protected, in the same way also the landscape have to be respected and protected, because it risks the "extinction".
  3. Transmitting the landscape to the future generations. According to the logic of the sustainable developement, that is on the basis of the process of Agenda 21, also the landscape have to be protected without compromising the quality, and it have to be transmitted to the future generations.

The classes, that have been involved into the educational itinerary of Ecomuseum visited the territory in order to do a partecipated examination of the places. Afterwards, the classes edited their map of the territory that they had visited or of the whole community.  These maps have been very useful for the working group and the editing of the map is a starting point on which they could work in order to realize the Parish Map.