The Ecomuseum,
together with other authorities and other associations (Mill’s Park,
Legambiente, Protezione civile, Consorzio Fiume Olona, Consorzio Est Ticino
Villoresi, Contratto di Fiume Olona, Associazione Olona Viva, Scuole di
Parabiago) are bringing back physically and culturally the Riale: going on
talking generally about the future of Olona river and Mill’s Park.
The activities
which are being conducted until now are:
In 2009 it has
been spread the “Il Riale ritrovato” booklet and in january 2010 it has been
finished the “Itinerario del Riale” audioguide. a)
“Il Riale ritrovato (PDF 2 Mb)
The initiative
“Alla ricerca del Riale perduto” has involved about 30 participants ( they all
belong to Legambiente association of Parabiago, Nerviano, Canegrate, Protezione
civile di Parabiago and individual citizens) which have cleaned the area from
the vegetation and garbages which was covering the old medieval canal artefact.
Guided visits were also been made for families.
In the
scholastic years 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 it has been realized didactic activities
for the examination and the participated designingof the area’s reutilization. Children want to
re-use the Riale as a damp area with a naturalistic purpose.
In the academic
year 2009/10 Giovanna Montemurro has published a graduation thesis about the
Riale and its history “Giuseppe Maggiolini, la regina Elisabetta Cristina di
Brunswick e le alterne vicende del Riale”.
3rd WORKSHOP (2011)
In 2011 it has
been done cleaning works and free guided visits for families to Riale and Olona
river’s canals.
The 10th
december the local historian Giacomo Agrati has presented his book “Once sei di
acqua di fiume”. The publication recalls to the Riale’s history which relates
whith the Parabiago’s village one.