Ecomuseo del Paesaggio


This translation is a draft by students of Maggiolini High School from Parabiago

Commitee's Photos of 16.10.07

Commitee's report of 16.10.07

Commitee's photos of 21.06.07

Commitee's Photos of 17.04.07

Building's Report of 07.04.17

Commitee's Photos of 27.02.07

Technic Commitee's Report of 27.02.07

...........An agreement between the Forum and the institutions...........

The technic-politic Committee is a place, that is oriented to the sharing of the path and the connection between the Forum and the planning and the fulfillment of the Local Actions. It is composed of a consistent group of technicians from the diferents fields of the Municipality of Parabiago and of the aldermen of the environmental poliicies, town planning and education that are involved into the process.They assembled a lot of times, observing the Local Actors' process and contributing to the definition of the Local Actions and of the Action Plan.