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The manna ash yesterday and today

  A bit of history…

The ornel produces a particular resin, called manna. This sap in the past was given to children as light lassative and it is nominated also in the Old Testament, to indicate the food send by God in n Sinai desert. Greeks called it "air's honey" or "honey of dew".
At a time it was supposed that this plant had medicinal properties: indeed Plinius, recommended the juice of its leaves to contrast the poison of snakes. It was thought thatburning its wood turned away evil spirits.


Except in some areas of Sicily, today manna isn't extract from the orrnus, which has acquired only a ornamental function, induced by its rich blossoming.
The woods has properties similar to those of fraxinus (fraxinus excelsior) and, thank to its flexibility, is used to produce handles for sport tools. Its wood is also a very good combustible. Its leaves are used as pasture and, fermented with water and saccharose, are useful even to prepare alcoholic drinks.