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The plane yesterday and today

A bit of history…

According to a legend, the plane tree would have hidden in its empty trunk the Eden snake and as punishment its bark took on the characteristics of skin of the snake.
Roman believed that this tree removed bats, considered as unlicky fowl, and that with its flower, drunk with wine, would be a antidote against the poison of snakes.
This tree is present also in Hercules' myth, which narrates about how he killed a monster (Hydra of Lerna, the second of the famous Seven Labours) under a plane.
In Greek mythology is told that the plane tree was chosen by Jupiter to celebrate the marriage with Juno; the philosoph Socrates taught under a plane.


The plane tree today is one of the spread trees in parks and along city boulevards, like Via Ovidio in Parabiago and in its playground becouse it resists against pollution and pruning.
Its shiny leaves keep themselves clean with the rain. Moreover the tree regulary bares itself from the bark, so it can't be suffocated from the soot along the city streets. Its wood is used to build pieces of furniture and plywoods; it finds a use also as burning wood.

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  Property divisor

In the Po Valley's land the plane, especially in the past, was used with other plants (farmer elm, poplars and oaks) as property divisor and now it isspread along Olona and fields' sides. Also are famous planes of Mggiolini square of Parabiago, pulled-up in 1928 because of their danger.