The chestnut yesterday and today
A bit of history…Chestnuts were called from Latins the
"acoms of Jupiter", because the big and strong log and the leafly
brances of this "cosmic tree", evocated Zeus, the Supreme God of
Romans contributed to the spread of chestnut
tree, of which they appreciated both fruits and wood, whose feature of hardness
made it good for the realisation of structural works as may authors tell, among
which Pliny and Virgil.
Today the most part of chestnut comes from
piedmont areas and it is destinated to the market of fresh and dehydrated
product: it is mostly used to produce food for cattle (above all pok, whose
meat takes superior characteristics when it is feed with chestnuts) and in
The use of building wood and the production of
tannin is limited compared with the past, whereas today teh production of
copses to make poles and spears used in viticolture, fruit farming and in
ornamental sector as support for little plants.
Teresian land register
Chestnuts' woods, especially
held by copse, were spread until XVIII Century in Alto Milanese areas too. Today
chestnut is rare. In Parabiago remain only few exemplaries.