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Publio Virgilio Marone was born in Andes, near Mantova (generally identified with Pietole) in 70 BC. His father was probably of humble conditions, grown up in richness and social position thank to the wedding with his Lord's daugther, Magia Polla. Virgilio was part of a well-off family of property owners and he knew life and work of people from countryside: the memory of Po Valley's landscape, with the shaded banks of River Mincio and its flowing through Mantova Valley, that will often occur in different passages of his works.
Anyway, Virgil had the chance of studying in Cremona and Milan, then in 90 BC in Rome, where he completed his retoric studies, essential to start his politic career. However, his shyness not combined with oratorical art and the chaos of the Capital: he prefers the lesure of Andes and Naples, where he can actually dedicate himself to literature and philosophy, attending the school of the epicurean Sirone.

Illo Vergilium me tempore dulcis alebat
Parthenope studiis florentem ignobilis oti
At that time me, Virgil, nourished the sweet
Naples, peaceful among works of shade stillness.
                                                Georgiche IV, 563-564

However thi is a period of difficult crisis, that will bring to the transition from Repubblic to princedom: the roman newness (made of civil wars and requisition of lands in ordere to reward the old-warriors) brusts into the rural lesure of the poet, tearing him from his ideal of life quiet and remote.
In 42 BC indeed, in Filippi, Ottaviano and Marco Antonio eliminate Brutus and Cassius, killers of Caesar: now there is the big problem of the lands' requisitions to in ordere to reward the old-warriors of the victorious army. The first lands to be dispossessed are those of the cities that , during the war, had taken the side of cesaricides: among them was also found Cremona, whose territory bordered on that of Mantova.
Virgil remembers bitterly these moments:

Mantua vae miserae nimium vicina Cremonae
Mantova, dear me, too near from the unlucky Cremona.
                                                                     Bucoliche IX, 28

Probably Virgil lose too, or he was about to lose, his properties. He managed to keep them only through the agency of some influential people, among which there were Ottaviano, who he had met in Rome, attending the exclusive club of intellectual people that gathered around Mecenate. To these people – Cornelio Gallo, Asinio Pollione, Alfeno Varo – he will be thankful in in some passages of Bucoliche.
However, the remember of these events and the sense of insecurity for the future, will last a subject his whole work.
Virgil died when he was 51, on September 20th of 19 BC in Brindisi, comeback from a journey in Greece, where he had been in order to collect information about the places he had described in his Eneide. His remains will be transferred to Naples and buried on the way to Pozzuoli.


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