Alps and
Olona river's daughter
The Oasis Paradés, situated in via Unione in
Parabiago, consists of meadows, rows of trees and shrubs and
a humid zone. This area is powered by the water coming from
the Olona river. Once upon a time the flooded areas
characterized the Olona river valley where the Oasis is
located. Since the time of the Romans, almost all of them
got reclaimed for agricultural necessities. The area owes
its noun to a farmer from Parabiago who used to
answer:"grazie, par adés (thank you, for now)" to whom
realized a work for him, since he couldn't pay them.
The Oasis was born in the range of the project "Qualificying
the periurban landscape along the Olona river. Interventions
of ecologic balance for the realization of the expository
plate of EXPO 2015" made by the Ente Regionale per i Servizi
all'Agricoltura e alle Foreste ERSAF (Regional Authority for
the Agricultural and Forestry Services).
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