1) The town hall
2) The town-hall park
3) Villa Maggi Corvini
4) Villa Corvini's park
5) Ex-town hall
6) Library
7) Palace Castelli "La Torre"
8) Church of San Michele
9) Felice Gajo school
10) House Maggiolini
11) Church of SS. Gervaso e Protaso
12) College Cavalleri
13) Sant'Ambrogio secondary school
14) Church of Sant'Ambrogio della Vittoria
15) Cavalleri high school
16) Maggiolini high school
17) Officina Rancilio
18) Station
19) "Carla Musazzi" musee
20) Villa Gajo
21) Rapizzi school
22) Paolo VI square, church of Ravello, rest home
23) Primary school in street Brescia
24) Ravellino farmhouse
25) Magenta place
26) Square of the indipendence, church, oratory, nursery of Villastanza
27) Primary school of Villastanza
28) Square, church of S. Lorenzo and S. Sebastiano
29) Museum "Crespi Bonsai"
30) Square of school S. Lorenzo, sport hall
31) School in street Papa Giovanni XXIII
32) Madonna di Dio 'l Sa church
33) Crivelli park
34) The Villoresi canal
35) Manzoni primary school
36) Madonna della neve church
37) Olona river

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