The Paradés Oasis, located in Via Unione in Parabiago, includes meadows, rows of trees and shrubs and a wetland. The wetland is fed by the water of the Olona river. Flooded areas in ancient times characterized the Olona river valley where the Oasis is located. Since Roman times, almost all were reclaimed to make room for agriculture. The area takes its name from a Parabiagian farmer who used to answer to those who made him a job, not being able to pay him: "grazie, par adés (for now, thank you).
The Oasis was created as part of the
project called "Qualifying the peri-urban landscape along
the Olona river. Interventions of ecological compensation
for the realization of the EXPO 2015 exhibition plate"
carried out by the Ente Regionale per i Servizi
all'Agricoltura e alle Foreste (ERSAF).
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