The Roccolo
park is a local park which is placed in the high Pianura Padana, in the
north-west of Milano’s province, expecially in the southern Altomilanese; it
includes wooded and farming areas of Arluno, Busto Garolfo, Canegrate,
Casorezzo (current management office seat of the Park), Nerviano (since 1997)
and Parabiago’s municipality, overall we have 1595 hectares (almost 16 Kmq).
in 1991 for the local natural elements safeguard and the agricolture esteem, it
employs about 80% of the whole surface, with corn, wheat, oat and pasture
The 9% of
the remaining area is characterized by woods, while the 1 % is characterized by
viability, caves and Villoresi canal with its secondary irrigation canal
network. Another charateristic of the
park are the many farmsteads spread all over its territory, a statement of the
area’s storic and agricoltural past.
This park
has been acknowledged in 1994 as Regione Lombardia’s agricoltural public park.
The park
takes its name from a technique which was used in the past for the bird
catching (which is illegal now), the Roccolo: an oval open space in which it
used to rise a three-floor turret camouflaged in the vegetation. The first
floor was used to keep cages, utensiles and other necessary tools; the second
one was used by the people who wanted to watch the hunting; the third one for
the bird catcher who was able to scare and then catch the birds with a net.
Almost the whole area was enclosed by a low hedge, and then by two parallel
lines of trees which used to form a covered walkway about one meter wide, in
which the net used to erect. The wood used to be cut on the topside so that
scared birds were induced to go down and remain trapped into the net.
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