(Insubrian variants, Ulona, Urona
or Uòna) is a river of 131 km long and 1,038 sq km of
the basin where the course
is developed entirely in Lombardy. The river was born in Rasa, a little village
near Varese in Campo dei Fiori, more
precisely in
the furnaces of Riana. After having crossed the
homonymous valley, and the high
Po Valley, the River Olona is divided into channels,
then turning into a single
one, before Legnano. After having passed the town of Parabiago (more precisely through the
of San
river reaches Rho, where in the case of floods it feeds
the floodway channel of the North West. From this point on, the river no
runs through the natural channel, but an artificial
channel known as the
"Naviglio Vetra", which is assumed to have been dug by
the ancient
Romans. Entered in Pero, after an initial still in the
open air, the river begins
to flow under the road surface. Immediately after wet
Milan, gives rise to the
southern Lambro. Flows into the Po 'in San Zeno, after
receiving abundant water
from irrigation canals and fountains. Falls of Valganna are
originated from the river, also known for the
same name caves.
It has been one of the most polluted rivers in Italy.