


The church of Saint Ambrogio della Vittoria was built in bricks, but inside it presents a structure extremely variegated of materials and methods used for growing the building's decorum.

The filler is a mix of lime, dust of marble, washed sand and glue of casein, whose plasticity and finesse of slurry. For this reason it was the favorite material in the production of refined decorous such as volutes, cartouches, cornices, until having sheer statues supported by souls of wires.

Inside of the church, the filler is alternated with the presence of refined and wises wood carves, like the ones under the choir and the organ,  in turn covered by colored varnishes but transparent to highlight the technical stature of working.

The balustrades in marble are presents in the entry of laterals chapels, and especially the one which signed the access to the presbytery, they are also valuables examples of stone-cutter’s masters art, as well as about the will of monks to use a large quantity of valuables materials like marble to underline their economic power. In reverse, the intern columns of the church were realized with plaster  in imitation of marble, method that in the 18th century reach an unequaled quality, like testimony of the large peripetia of decorator masters. Here it is so that the presence of fake marble isn't qualified as much as absence of necessaries founds for retrieval of the original material, but as full adhesion at a   relish which founded reason of admiration in the visual illusion.

Finally it's very important the presence of altars in “scaiola”, a variety of natural chalk cooked at high temperatures, ground and sifted till obtaining a clay paste. Subdivided and colored in various  pigments, the paste allowed a perfect imitation of marble engraves using only poor materials. Since the great difficulty necessary for its processing, the “scaiola” derives from this feature its preciousness .

